Friday, 1 March 2013

Web Design: Week 4


Ok so, going to do my best to explain...on the opening page, the logo would shrink down to the bottom and an arrow would appear along the polka dot line to show that you use the logo to scroll. The navigation is the collage, and everything links back to the home page via the logo. 

Everything collapses into itself when you click on it, e.g on the about when you click one, the other buttons collapse into the selected one and a box drops down with the information. 

On the Album page, you hover over each album and the name appears underneath, and when you click they'd slide away and the box would appear with an option to play songs from the album. 

Shows page pretty self explanatory, calendar with dates and you click it and it takes you to Ticket Master.

Blog page, again self explanatory, its a blog where you navigate the posts using the options above the content. 

Then finally we had to pop it into context, I did pages on this but you'll prolly be fed up of looking at it by the time you get to the end.


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