Sunday, 2 March 2014

Let get reflecting yo

If you're a regular reader of this here thing, you'll notice most of my posts from this academic year have been up for about a month before I go and delete them. I'm really not happy with the majority of work I've produced thus far because I'm still trying to figure out who I am as a designer. I'm trying to progress my style and what I want to produce but keep getting in my own way, and sticking to what I'm used to doing - I need to push myself to experiment and get out of my comfort zone.

 I need to formulate clear visions in my head of what I want to create, instead of just floundering about for weeks with a vague idea, then producing rubbish that I'm not proud of. I need to source my inspiration further than the internet (HERE'S LOOKING AT PINTEREST). I need to surround myself with inspiration and rekindle my love for design.

I'm currently doing a YCN brief, and really enjoying it. The projects I do revolving around illustration and typography are where I produce my favourite work, so maybe I should be focusing on that? I suppose I'm a bit scared to go into "ILLUSTRATION" because it's such a niche market, and I think you need to be incredible at it to make it work - but maybe thats just me getting in my own way again.

Self reflection is good. Queue motivational video:


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